
Pastor Victoria grew up in the church, but fell away from the faith in her early teenage years. The Lord left the 99, found her, radically saved her, and transformed her life at the age of 18. After her encounter with Jesus, she has dedicated her life to missions and outreach.

Pastor Josh and Victoria met at Oral Roberts University while pursuing theology degrees and were married in 2014. They welcomed their daughter, Hazael, in 2019 and their son, Asher, in 2022. Victoria received a master’s degree from Baylor University in the field of social work. She has served the Tampa community through anti-human trafficking advocacy and school social work.

When she is not at church, Victoria enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, eating out, watching movies, and exploring Tampa Bay.

Some of her favorite things: 

  • Favorite food: Truffle Pasta
  • Favorite movie: Pride and Prejudice
  • Favorite song: Too Good to Not Believe by Bethel Music & Brandon Lake
  • Favorite Bible verse: James 1:27, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
  • Favorite place visited: Rome will always have a special place in my heart because I accepted Jesus there.