Abandoned Kids

Ages 1-12

What should your child expect?

The time that we are entrusted with your children is a gift, which is why we take the time you give us seriously. Church is not childcare. Our goal is to use this time to disciple your child, teach them the Word of God, empower them with the Holy Spirit, and equip them to spread the gospel.

At Abandoned Kids we value children and believe in their ability to learn and grow in the Lord. The heart behind our ministry to children is based on the following verses in the gospel of Matthew: "At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, 'Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, 'Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.' "

Our goal is for your child to grow in wisdom and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Do you have more questions? Check out how we do this below.

How do Abandoned Kids grow?

Biblical Lessons

Our curriculum is specifically written for your child's current age. In addition, our lessons are interactive and fun. Your child will become part of the lesson as the Bible comes alive through an interactive storytelling model of biblical teaching. While this is a good starting point, we recognize that your child cannot grow without you. To help your child grow, we will equip you to continue teaching them throughout the week with weekly lessons and online material.

Current Lesson


If anyone knows how to worship, it is our Abandoned Kids. Every Sunday, your child will grow in freedom as they sing and dance together, corporately.

Kids Worship Playlist

One Mission

Finally, your child has the power to influence others for Jesus. They will learn how and why we share our faith with our friends. Your child will not only learn about the love that Christ has for them, but they will learn how to invite their friends to come experience God's love firsthand.

The Gospel
Hi, how can we connect?
Hopefully one our links below can answer any questions you may have. If not please fill out a connect card and we will be in touch.